Laravel – On and On

Features of Laravel 5.1


Laravel is a framework that is magnificent, it started on a high note but at the same time, as and when the developers faced any problem using this framework, Taylor Otwell didn’t hesitate to rework on the architecture of its feature and updating it. Laravel has multiple versions and subversions, about which I have mentioned in my previous blogs. Today I am sharing an update about the Laravel 5.1 release update. This version too was made keeping the ease and simplicity for the developers while developing. Also at the same time re-looking at old features and make changes as per need.


Laravel 5.1 came with multiple interesting features by adopting PSR-2 and adding event broadcasting, middleware parameters, Artisan improvements, etc.


  1. These versions of Laravel 5.1 can no longer use PHP 5.4 version. With the updating of Laravel 5.1, PHP’s higher versions like 5.9 are recommended for better results. It allows better compatibility with the latest PHP libraries
  2. LTS – This version of Laravel is the first to receive long term support of 2 years of bug fixes and 3 years for security fixes.
  3. PSR – 2 – This coding style guide is adopted as the default style guide for Laravel 5.1
  4. Each page of the Laravel documentation has been carefully reviewed and dramatically improved. All code examples have been reviewed and expanded for more relevance and context.
  5. Laravel 5.1 has a special feature to assist in building applications where many events are broadcasted and is sent to the client and at the same time carrying on with live updating user interface.
  6. Middleware in Laravel 5.1 is updated to receive additional custom parameters.
  7. The built-in testing capabilities of Laravel have been worked on to a great extent and a variety of new methods provide a fluent, expressive interface for interacting with the application and examining its responses
  8. In the Laravel 5.1 version, it can ship with an easy way to create eloquent models using Model factories
  9. The Artisan command in Laravel 5.1 can now be defined using simple routes like signatures which provided a simple interface to define commands line arguments and options
  10. The folder structure of the directory was renamed to express intent. Also, the directory was consolidated into a single directory which contains event listeners
  11. In this Laravel version 5.1, the encryption is handled by an actively maintained openss1 extension


We at OTFCoder, are updated with all these features that will help us come up with better solutions for our clients.


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