Every business needs a marketing strategy to perform well in competitive market conditions. If you a business owner and thinking about how to do marketing without much cost here are the checklists to help you with better Marketing Strategies.


Checklists to know about Marketing Strategies


Check the competition

Check out the completion in the market and where your brand stand, what are the strategies your competitors are using, how they promote their products and services. This can help you to understand the market condition.


Target the relevant audience

Business target different audience according to their age, gender, personality. Choose the relevant and the best audience. These audiences will help you to create your business into a brand.


Online Marketing

Use of Online marketing is the best way to convert your business into a brand. According to Google around 86% of the population are using the internet just to buy and sell products or services, and around 78% of businesses are on the internet.

Online marketing is the best way to do marketing as it is cheaper than offline marketing, target the relevant customers, easy to use, increase your sales.


Traditional marketing

Traditional marketing is still preferred by many businesses. This helps to reach a wider audience. Rural areas where the internet is less know, businesses still prefer traditional marketing. Advertisement on TV, newspaper, radio still remains a favorite for trading marketing.


Middleman Marketing

Another good way of marketing is a middle man marketing strategy where a business gives a part of sales as commission to a person who is between business and customer.

It’s is best in village areas where businesses cannot reach easily, so businesses provide a commission to the middle person.


Video Marketing

Videos are a great way to get the immediate attention of the target audience. These days one-third of online activity is spent on watching videos.

Video marketing is more convincing as video marketing gives a personal touch to it.

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