Laravel Search String

This Laravel Package is developed by Loris Leiva.  Laravel Search String generates database queries based a unique string using a customizable syntax.


Eloquent Cloner Package

This Laravel Package allows you to clone a model and it’s relationships, including all files even to another database.


Laravel Blade Filters Package

This package is developed by Gergo D. Nagy. It adds filters to your blade templates


MailEclipse: Laravel Mail Editor Package

This package is used to create and manage mailables using a web UI for Laravel applications. This package can be used to develop mailables without using command line. One can edit templates associated with mailables using a WYSIWYG editor.


Laravel Postal Code Validation

This package is developed by Choraimy Kroonstuiver. Validating postal codes for multiple countries has become extremely easy using this package.


Spatie Laravel Flash Package

Developed by Freek Van Herten. It is a lightweight package to flash messages for Laravel applications


Laravel Personal Data Export

Developed by Freek Van Herten. This package helps to create zip files containing personal data in Laravel apps


GitDown Parsing Markdown in PHP

Developed by Caleb Porzio. The package is used for parsing Markdown in PHP. It works by sending the given markdown to a public GitHub API that parses it as HTML


Bagisto E-commerce Platform

It’s an open source E-commerce platform built on the top of Laravel and Vue.js by Webkul. It is designed to build and scale business offering a wide range of functionality.


Snipe Migrations Laravel Package

The package is developed by Dustin Fraker. It takes snapshot of the MySql database and imports the schema to the test database rather than running all of the migrations when the test suite starts up.


Laravel Tinker Server Package

The package is developed by Marcel Pociot. This package allows tinkering with your variables in real-time. It calls a tinker() method that comes with the package and you to interact with the chosen variables in real-time.




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