Organization’s Investment- Professional and Personal Development
An Investment in Employees for Better Organization
For any organization to flourish, it is very important that its team is nurtured. Most organizations know the weakness and strengths of the employees. To help the employees, Professional development is an investment that an organization puts on its employees. It is through Professional development, one can achieve a better and successful career. It is not limited to any particular field, it is a through professional development you will be able to attain the ultimate success.
An organization wants to extract the best out of its team and wherever there are loopholes, it tries to fill that gap and through professional development.
Research says, for any Conventional/Traditional organization, Professional Development is staying updated with the current market trends, getting KNOWLEDGE, Knowing the processes, Building the technical skills and Personal Development is playing fun games, dancing, enacting, etc.
According to my experience of the past 5 years in the field of Education and my thinking, Professional development is an idea an organization upholds to nurture its Team. Professional development plays a major role in building a learning community. At the same time, Personal development is Building a relationship within the team, spending quality time, learning from each other, etc. It can be through games, through enacting, through dancing, what we learn at last is Professional and Personal development
What can be called Professional and Personal Development?????
Any idea that leads to the physical, mental, and spiritual fitness of an individual can be called as Professional and Personal development
- Building awareness about current Technology and how it works
- Building and/or enhancing skills related to the working field
- Getting inspired by someone and get encouraged
- Learning from each other and implementing it
- Mentoring our colleagues
- Attending and conducting workshops will lead to a better understanding
- Watching an inspirational video and expressing
- Meeting the best minds for inspiration
- Team building Games to build a relationship
- Fun Games to get refreshed
- Building awareness about day to day problems like current affairs, women empowerment, sex, psychology etc.
- Rather than gaining knowledge, it is important to understand
- Go Deep than to go wide
- Knowing each other personally and professionally so that we can build empathy
- Helping each other with our strengths
- Spending time over lunch, tea, and outings
- Knowing the structure and process of any technology
- Reading
- Awareness about the organizational policies and process so that the team is on the same page
- Sharing our thoughts and viewpoints
- Give Constructive Feedback
- Take Feedback Positively
- Guide each other wherever required
- Build Competencies
- Upgrade Potential
- Review each other work
- Reflect on self and others
- Provide strategies
- Motivate
- Activities to build creativity and reflecting through it
All these above-mentioned activities will lead to a strong relationship between the organization and its employees, increase in Collaboration and Empathy, build Logical Thinking skill, building Trust and Belief, Developing Confidence, Opening the door for better opportunities, Increase in the level of productivity, Building awareness, making us VERSATILE and develop the ability to Think and make Connections out of the box.
And Finally!!!!!! Employees will want to work for you not because you pay them but because they believe that in this organization, they are Valued and They Add Value…
At OTFcoder, we have inculcated the idea of Professional and Personal development right from the beginning when we had 3 employees to now where we have more number of employees. It doesn’t matter whether the organization is big or small, the worth lies in the values of that organization and how it engages its employees.
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