Case Study of Wedesi Wardro

Online growth is easy when you already have a digital presence but it is difficult if you need to start from scratch.

It All Started Back in The Year 2020. Baageshree Patel is the owner of Wedesi Wardro. We started Mrs. Patel’s social media marketing from zero presence. With almost no followers we helped her business grow digitally. Social media marketing helped her business to reach its potential customer/audiences she was looking for and build her brand awareness. From creating graphics to creating attractive captions and copywriting to posting videos and, we gave her the maximum support to increase her business.

Social Media Case Study

Facebook 1 L+ 16k+ 2000+
Instagram 40k+ 3000+ 800+

Social Media Key Performance Indicator

  1. Reach KPI
  2. Community Growth KPI
  3. Engagement Rate KPI
  4. Conversion KPI

Business Enquiries- 350+

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