Why to use laravel

Why use laravel

Laravel provides the righteous tools to assist construct websites and web apps swiftly, more stout and tranquil to maintain. Laravel also succor website developers make more comprehensible processes with upstanding and reincarnated code. It’s one of the frameworks that have the pliability and affluent features to make it a perfect platform for fabricating websites and online applications. It is most often used in companies belonging to information technology services, real estate, and the retail industry.

The Top features of Laravel Frameworks:

  • Scalable packaging
  • Protectorate manager fully composer-based
  • Supreme autoloader
  • Elegant ORM
  • Examining builder as potential ORM alternative
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server platform sustenance for your database
  • Simplified blade-templating engine
  • Quicker automation than before
  • Built-in authentication mechanisms and caching mechanism
  • Top-grade routing features and options
  • Unmatched quality session control
  • IO capabilities
  • Artisan command-d or sample code line interfacing.

Some of the technical advantages of Laravel make it the best PHP framework to use in 2020 for software developers.

  • MVC Architecture – Laravel is designated with a model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern which offers an exceedingly agreeable way to build large or small business applications. With it, web craftsmen can assemble big projects with more than five files for upgraded sustainability.
  • Template Engine – Laravel featured with the Blade templating engine. It’s a robust, flimsy, and pre-installed template engine that aids web developers to coerce the process of development effortlessly and facile with its excellent layouts without affecting the speed and performance of the application. 
  • Artisan CLI – Laravel has its Artisan command-line interface (CLI) which uses a powerful Symfony Console component for fabricating applications. The tool also lends a hand in data migrations, database management, and you can create skeleton code, models, controllers, and more.
  • Eloquent ORM – ORM stands for the object-relational mapper, and Laravel’s ORM is astounding which allows you to continue a trouble-free interaction with your app database objects using a persuasive or revealing syntax.
  • Adequate App Testing – Laravel’s testing features provide you bug-free and exceeding plausible applications. It is designated with a specific set of features for performing unit tests on your web applications/mobile applications through PHPUnit. It mechanically set up the file phpunit.xml for performing unit testing in web development.

Laravel security is always taken care of by the maintenance team whenever a loophole is discovered.

Laravel put forward the following security features to concede developers to reduce the Laravel culpabilities in the application.

  • Laravel Authentication System.
  • Reduce Laravel Vulnerabilities
  • From CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
  • Protection against XSS (Cross-Site Scripting)
  • SQL Injection
  • Improve Laravel Application Security
  • Laravel Security Packages.

Articulate ORM appears like an uncomplicated procedure, indeed, there’s a lot of covert functions and insignificant techniques to attain more with it. Below mentioned are some tricks.

  • Increments and Decrements
  • XorY methods.
  • Model boot() method
  • Relationship with conditions and ordering
  • Model properties: timestamps, appends, etc
  • Find multiple entries
  • WhereX
  • Order by relationship
  • Conditional Queries ::when() – no more if-else’s
  •  belongs to Default Models
  • Order by Mutator
  • Default ordering in global scop
  • Raw query methods
  • Replicate: make a copy of a row
  • Chunk() method for big tables
  • Create additional things when creating a model
  • Override updated_at when saving
  • What is the result of an update()?
  • Transform brackets into an Eloquent query
  • orWhere with multiple parameters
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