Get Updated with the Improvised Version of Laravel 5.4
The Improvisation of Laravel 5.3 to Laravel 5.4
As we all are aware that Laravel is a versatile framework which helps in the creation of amazing dynamic websites, it wouldn’t have been possible if Mr. Taylor Otwell would have had a fixed mindset to follow the initial version that he created, rather he tried evolving it every time he realized the problem faced by the developers using Laravel. Continuing this pattern, after Laravel 5.3, Mr. Otwell again came up with the improved version of Laravel, Laravel 5.4. Laravel is the simplest and effective PHP Framework that makes the creation of web applications easy for developers.
Laravel 5.4 version had the features like:
Laravel Dusk: A package that is used for testing. It provides a simple easy to use browser automation and testing API. It can use standalone chrome driver installation.
Laravel Mix: Laravel Mix is the spiritual successor of Laravel Elixir, and it is completely based on Webpack instead of Gulp. Laravel Mix provides a fluent API to define Webpack and build steps for the Laravel application using several common CSS and JavaScript pre-processors.
Blade Components and Slots: This feature of Laravel 5.4 has similar use like sections and layouts.
Broadcast Model Binding: Similar to HTTP routes, with Laravel 5.4 channel routes have the advantage of implicit and explicit route Model Binding.
Markdown mails and Notifications: This feature of Laravel 5.4 gives the benefit of using pre-built templates and components of mail notifications in mailable.
Collection Higher Order Messages: Collection now provide support to higher-order messages which are the short cuts for performing common actions on collections.
Object-Based Eloquent Events: This feature of eloquent event handlers may now be mapped to event objects in Laravel 5.4. This provides a more intuitive way of handling eloquent events and makes it easier to test the events.
Job Level Retry and Timeout: In Laravel 5.4, “queue job retry and timeout” settings, can be configured globally for all jobs on the command line.
Request Sanitization Middleware: Laravel 5.4 includes two new middleware in the default middleware stack trim settings and convert empty strings to null.
Real-time Facades: with this feature in Laravel 5.4, we can easily convert any of the application’s classes into a facade in realtime simply by prefixing the imported class name with Facades.
Custom Pivot Table Models: In Laravel 5.4, we can define custom pivot tables to represent an intermediate table of your relationship by the using method while defining the relationship.
Migration Default String Length: Laravel 5.4 uses the utf8mb4 character set by default, which includes support for storing “emojis” in the database. While upgrading any application from Laravel 5.3, switching to this character set is not required.
Improved Redis Cluster Support: In Laravel 5.4, Redis connections can be defined as multiple single hosts and multiple clusters within the same application
OTFCoder‘s focus is creating the best of customized web applications using the Laravel framework.