Laravel 4.0


Here comes the sub-version of Laravel 4 “Illuminate” also known as Laravel 4.2….


In the history of Laravel, there have been ups and downs, designing and redesigning, but it has been considered as the best choice for the Developers for its simplicity, design, easy to use, and most importantly its evolution that provides a vast range of functionalities for the developers.


Laravel 4.1 had around 10 updated features, what do you think Laravel 4.2 has?????


Here are the functionalities for Laravel 4.2 sub-version….


  1. Laravel Forge: One of the amazing features of Laravel4.2 was Laravel Forge, a web-based application that provides a simple way to create and manage PHP servers on the cloud of our own choice. It provided the simplest and affordable way to launch Laravel applications. Apart from this, Laravel 4.2 supported automated Nginx configuration, SSH key access, Cron job automation, server monitoring via NewRelic & Papertrail, “Push To Deploy”, Laravel queue worker configuration
  2. Laravel Homestead: It is an official Vagrant environment to develop a robust Laravel and PHP application. The majority of the boxes’ provisioning needs are handled before the box is packaged for distribution, allowing the box to boot quickly. It also includes a simple configuration file to manage multiple Laravel applications in a single box.
  3. PHP 5.4: To use Laravel 4.2, an updated version of PHP was required which allowed using new PHP features such as traits to provide more expressive interfaces for tools like Laravel Cashier. PHP 5.4 also brings Magnificent speed and performance improvements over older versions of PHP.
  4. Laravel Cashier: It is a simple expressive library for managing subscription billing with Stripe. This beautiful feature fixes numerous bugs, multi-currency support, and compatibility with the latest Stripe API.
  5. Mail API drivers: This functionality of Mailgun and Mandrill API drivers are used for the mail functions. For many applications, this provides a speedy and more reliable method of sending e-mails than the SMTP options.
  6. Daemon Queue workers: This functionality allows to start a worker in daemon mode meaning the worker will continue to process jobs without ever re-booting the framework which reduces the usage of CPU
  7. Soft deleting Traits: This functionality allows easy construction of similar global traits and a clean separation of concerns within the framework itself.
  8. Convenient Auth and Remindable traits: Laravel 4.2 version uses Convenient Auth and Remindable Traits that includes the required properties for authentication and password reminder user interface.
  9. Simple Paginate: This useful method was added to eloquent and query builder that focuses on providing more efficient queries while using simple “Next” and “Previous” links in your pagination view.
  10. Migration Confirmation: In production, destructive migration operations will now ask for confirmation. With this feature. Commands may be forced to run using force command.

At OTFCoder, we believe in professional development, not just for the Web developers but for everyone. Therefore, all our Web developers are updated with all the versions and sub-versions of different frameworks used for Website development, Application Development, etc.


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