Soul of Laravel – Eloquent Eloquent


Laravel Eloquent ORM: To work with the database, Laravel Eloquent provides an outstanding and simple Active Record implementation. Each table in the database has a corresponding “Model” that is used for table interaction. Models allow you to query for data in your tables, as well as insert new records into the table. A developer needs to configure a database connection before starting off. Eloquent is one of the unique features of Laravel framework. If Laravel is body then Eloquent is a soul. 


Visibly having a simple mechanism, Eloquent ORM has multiple semi-hidden functions and less known ways to achieve more with it. Here are some tips and knacks to start with….


  1. Increments and Decrements: It is a kind of addition and subtraction method to increase and decrease the current value of the model field
  2. X or Y Method: It is the method that is used to combine two methods
  3. Model Boot () Method: It is a very special place called boot () which is used to override any default behavior in an eloquent model
  4. Relationships with conditions and ordering: This is a classic way to define a relationship
  5. Eloquent:: When(): It is a simple, short and sweet way of passing the parameters
  6. Model Properties: timestamps and appends: These are the most popular properties of the eloquent model
  7. Find Multiple entries: find () method can even accept multiple ids as an array
  8. WhereX: We can change the name of any felid and append it as a suffix to “Where” and it will turn out to be magical
  9. Raw query methods: This method is used to add raw queries to our Eloquent statements
  10. Replicate: A best, easy and short way to make a copy of database entry


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