Stay Young Stay Updated: Updated Laravel: Laravel 5.0

History of Laravel

Stay Young Stay Updated: Updated Laravel: Laravel 5.0

Right from the beginning, Taylor Otwell has made efforts to modify and remodify the PHP-Laravel framework by making required changes and add in the structure of the Laravel framework. In just 2 years, there were different versions of Laravel like Laravel 1, Laravel 2, Laravel 3, Laravel 4 or it is also called “Illuminate”. Further, the sub-versions of the Laravel 4 version were introduced like Laravel 4.1 and Laravel 4.4. Gradually, within no time Laravel 5 was introduced which introduced a fresh application structure to the default Laravel project.

This redesigned structure provided a better foundation to build a robust application using the Laravel framework along with embracing different auto-loading standards throughout the application. Laravel 5 had some distinctive changes that made it more effective and easy to use.

Laravel 5 was released with the following changes:

New Folder structure: The Laravel was rewritten where different folders were added in Laravel 5

  1. Contracts: This feature defines the core services provided by the framework interface set
  2. Route Cache: This feature in Laravel 5 will cache all the routes in the system that are available
  3. Route Middleware: This feature helps to run a common on all the routes
  4. Controller Method Injection: With this feature, we can type-hint dependencies on controller methods. The service container will automatically inject the dependencies, even if the route contains other parameters
  5. Event Projects: With this feature in Laravel we can define events as objects using strings
  6. Authentication Scaffolding: This feature allows rapid development of application ideas without bogging down on authentication boilerplate
  7. Commands/Queuing: This feature of Laravel 5 helps to represent the queued jobs as simple command objects
  8. Database Queue: It provides a simple, local queue driver which doesn’t need extra package installation beyond database software
  9. Laravel Scheduler: This feature has removed a headache for all the developers. It helps to fluently and expressively define the command schedule within Laravel itself, and only a single Cron entry is needed on the server.
  10. Tinker/Psych: This feature is a more robust REPL for PHP.
  11. Dot Env: This feature of Laravel is a Library that provides an extremely simple way to manage environment configuration and makes its detection a breeze
  12. Laravel Elixir: This new feature provides a fluent, expressive interface to compiling and concatenating your assets
  13. Laravel Socialite: This feature of Laravel 5 provides painless authentication with OAuth providers
  14. Flysystem Integration: Laravel 5 has introduced this function of filesystem abstraction library, providing pain-free integration with local, Amazon S3, and Rackspace cloud storage – all with one, unified and elegant API! Storing a file in Amazon S3 is now as simple
  15. Form Requests: This function of the request object can be combined with a controller method injection to provide a boiler-plate free method of validating user input.
  16. Simple Controller Request Validation: This function includes Validates request traits that provide a simple validate method to validate incoming requests. If the validation fails, it will be thrown and an appropriate HTTP response will automatically be sent back to the browser. These validation errors will even be flashed to the session! If the request was an AJAX request, Laravel even takes care of sending a JSON representation of the validation errors back to you.
  17. New Generators: To support the default structure of the application in Laravel, this function can be effectively used
  18. Configuration Cache: This function is used to cache all of your configuration in a single file
  19. Symfony VarDumper: This function provides the color-coded output and even collapses of arrays in the Laravel framework.

This version of Laravel made it easy for the developers to develop more effectively. We at OTFCoder believe that with the updation of each Version of Laravel we too stay updated and make use of the Laravel framework. Lately, the %.1 version got released with multiple other functionalities. Stay Young Stay Updated… Developers make use of the Laravel framework to provide effective solutions. 


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