Pillar of an Organization

The Pillar of an Organization – It’s Culture

Organizational Culture = Beliefs + Values + Relationship

The core of an organizational structure is the values that an organization carries, the Beliefs that an organization keeps in mind, and The Strong relationship with the team and the community. The best culture is visible in the ways the organization conducts its business, treats its employees, clients, and the wider community, to the extent in which an employee is considered important in decision making, developing new ideas, and giving freedom to express, how power and information flow through its hierarchy, and how committed employees are towards collective objectives.

All these are true to the fact that an organization believes, but research says that the most important thing that builds an organizational culture is the Strong Relationship the organization has with its employees and the community.

If I look at an employee’s point of view, an employee should feel happy to work and not get a burden to work at. These are the important facts/insights an employer should consider for a good culture in an organization and happy employees.

  • A positive environment is always welcoming and attracts the employees and clients
  • An employee is heard by the employer; not that the CEO meets once in 6 months
  • An employee is considered an integral part in making decisions
  • An employee is given equal opportunity
  • An employee is respected over and above the hierarchies; for the qualities
  • An employee feels that he adds value to the organization and vice versa (Professional and Personal Development)
  • An employee is appreciated for the work he/she does and given constructive feedback for improvement
  • An employee is known right from top authorities to the caretakers and vice versa
  • An organization is aware of the strengths and weakness of the employee and channelizes it in the right direction
  • An employee feels home
  • A place with laughter
  • A place with fun; doesn’t mean the regular games but what do we learn from these game exercises and how to implement it in the practice.

As an HR at OTFCoder, and previously worked as an educator, I always try to make comparison and bring my experiences and positive things that I have learned into my current practice.

OTFCoder has provided me a platform to experiment and implement all the good practices into our Organizational culture which in a way speaks about the culture of OTFCoder. We believe in providing equal opportunity to all the employees, including employees in the Co-creation of the company policies/ open for feedback and implement good ideas into our manual. I proudly say” We have the best culture/environment “ for the employees because they are “OUR PEOPLE”, “OUR FAMILY”.

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