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Tip to Update on Third Party API Integration

Today’s tip: API Chute


Chute is a visual marketing platform that allows users to search for media such as photos and videos that align with their marketing needs. Chute has released a developer API that provides access to its services, letting developers integrate the functionality of Chute with other applications.


There are client libraries on Chute for Ruby, Android, AngularJS, and IOS, and the interface is RESTful. All responses are sent to and received by the API as JSON data.


Chute is cool because it is, in essence, a media management tool, which enables developers to add media capture, management, metadata, and publishing to applications or websites.


Example Uses:

Examples of how you can use the Chute API include: Count the number of likes for media assets such as photos and videos. Explore photos and videos by location filters to see what’s trending in certain areas. Pro-grammatically import media assets from websites and social media services such as Instagram.


At OTFCoder, the professionals hold expertise in third party API Integration… 


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