why LARAVEL is better than other Frameworks

why LARAVEL is better than other Frameworks

Laravel is a web application framework with demonstratic, ingenious syntax. We at OTFCoder with our best fabricating team builds a formation and provides a starting point for generating your application with strapping features such as thorough protectorate injection, an eloquent database detachment layer, queues and scheduled jobs, unit and integration test and more. We also provide diversification of tools and framework available to you as per your company requisites when building a web application. Laravel is the best choice for a Progressive framework, Scalable framework and a Community framework. 

Laravel 8 continues the refinements made in Laravel 7.x by introducing Laravel Jetstream, model factory classes, migration squashing, job batching, improved rate limiting, queue developments, dynamic Blade components, Tailwind pagination views, time testing helpers, upgradation to artisan serve, event listener advancement, and a heterogeneity of other bug fixes and usability improvements.

  • Laravel Jetstream Jetstream is outlined using Tailwind CSS and offers your discretion of Livewire or Inertia podium. Jetstream provides the ideal ingress for your next project and appends login, registration, email verification, two-factor authentication, session management, API support via Laravel Sanctum, and optional team synergy. Laravel Jetstream puts back and ameliorates upon the legacy authentication UI rostrum available for precedent versions of Laravel.
  • Model Directory – All pertinent generator commands have been refurbished to surmise models continue within the app/Models directory if it exists. If the directory does not exist, the framework will presume your models should be placed within the app directory. This default Laravel application skeleton now persists in an app/Models directory, a new home for your Persuasive Models.
  • Model Factory Classes– Articulate model factories have been wholly reiterated as class based factories and enhanced to have top-notch relationship support. As model factories are now easy PHP classes, state transformations may be written as class methods. Furthermore, you may add any other helper classes to your expressive model factory as needed.
  • Migration Squashing – If you’re operating MySQL or PostgreSQL, you can now “squash” your migrations into a single SQL file for all your migrated directory which has bloated with potentially hundreds of migrations.
  • Job Batching – The new batch technique of the Bus facade can be used to transmit a batch of jobs. Batching is first and foremost useful when combined with completion callbacks. Hence you can use the then, catch, and finally methods to explicate completion callbacks for the batch.
  • Improved Rate Limiting – Rate limiters are designated using the RateLimiter facade’s for technique . The for method accepts a rate limiter name and a closure that pays back the limit configuration that should bid to the paths that are earmarked this rate limiter.Rate limiters can be adhered to paths or path groups using the throttle middleware. The throttle middleware credits the name of the rate limiter you desire to earmark to the path. 
  • Improved Maintenance Mode -This feature has been created in approbation of an easier “secret” / token solution. For instance in maintenance mode, you can use the secret option to identify a maintenance mode bypass token.
  • Pre-rendering Maintenance Mode – Laravel permits you to pre-render a maintenance mode view that will be given back at the very beginning of the solicitation cycle. This view is rendered before any of your application’s domains have loaded. You may pre-render a template of your discretion using the down command’s render option.
  • Closure Dispatch – Employing the new catch method, you can provide a closure that can be implemented if a queued closure fails to conclude prosperously after depleting all of your queues configured retry attempts.
  • Dynamic Blade Components – For the times when you’re confused for which component should be rendered for a long run. Laravel’s built-in dynamic-component, component to render the component based for a long run variable. 
  • Event Listener Improvements – Closure based event listeners can be inscribed by only passing the closure to the Event::listen method. Laravel  inspect the closure to discover which type of event the listener handles.
  • Time Testing Helpers – Laravel’s base feature test class embraces assistants that allow you to influence the current time.
  • Artisan serve Improvements – The Artisan serve command has been upgraded with mechanized reloading when environment fluctuations are noticed within your local .env file.
  • Tailwind Pagination – The Laravel paginator has been updated to use the Tailwind CSS framework. It is a highly customizable, subordinate CSS framework that accords you all of the elements you need to boost tailored designs without any infuriating pontifical styles you have to combat to disallow. 
  • Routing Namespace Updates – In Laravel 8.x, this property is invalid. It means that no mechanical namespace affixing will be done by Laravel. Hence, in new Laravel 8.x applications, controller path precisions should be explicated using standard PHP callable syntax.

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