Why WhatsApp delay their policy?


Here are the reasons why WhatsApp delay their policy.


Whatsapp policy and amendments taking place in it have been the talk of the town, for the last few days. It has delayed the introduction of its new privacy policy due to retaliation from users about sharing its data with its parent company Facebook.


The company aims to clear out misunderstandings and confusion regarding the new privacy policy causing concern and wants to help its users understand their facts and policies. Whatsapp has asked its users to agree to its policy by May, which was previously scheduled by Feb.


WhatsApp is end-to-end encrypted, meaning only a message’s sender and therefore the recipient can read it, and people’s messages aren’t stored on Facebook servers. But WhatsApp is additionally pushing aggressively into messaging for businesses.


The updated privacy policy was intended to alert users that some businesses would soon be using Facebook-owned servers to store messages with consumers.


Facebook has said that it’ll not access those messages for any sort of ad targeting, but the language within the updated terms of service concerned many users who worried that Facebook would suddenly see their private messages.


Whatsapp said that messages between family and friends remain end to finish encrypted.“While not everyone shops with a business on WhatsApp today, we expect that more people will prefer to do so within the future and it’s important people are conscious of these services,” the corporate wrote. “This update doesn’t expand our ability to share data with Facebook.”


The huge communication gap between its users and developers has also made them reconsider their choice of using Facebook and has highlighted its data-sharing issue from the past. This has provided opportunities to apps like the signal, telegram, etc to maneuver growth and spike its potential in the market.

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